It's said that if monkeys hack long enough on a typewriter, than they will inexorably end up writing something that makes sense.
Let's see if this is also true for scientists...

Sunday 20 July 2014

Bioscience Faculty position outside the US

Given the ongoing deterioration of living and working conditions for US scientists in faculty positionsm more and more scientists in the US have asked me what are the options elsewhere, especially in Europe. Here is my latest answer to one of them:

Concerning research in Europe:
I think there is a north->south degradation of conditions. Research in Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany and maybe Finland seems ok. Especially Germany seems to do quite well, however obtaining permanent positions is very very difficult. But especially in the former eastern (and now nice) part of Germany (Leipzig, Dresden) there appear to be quite some openings. UK had some certain reductions in funding, but might still be an option. In general, the higher (full-professor) positions in Europe/UK are not as well paid as in the US, but the annex (hidden) costs of living are cheaper (health care, child care, education). However salaries in Norway and Switzerland should be high, however cost of living is extremely high too, so it balances out. Swiss is a great option, if you manage to find a position there (difficult!). Positions are well paid, and it seems that Switzerland funding success rate is around 40 %. As an insider's tip, there is Austria. Austria has been a bid 'hidden' internationally, but has some good research going on, and appears to have openings in bioscience. In particular in some institute in Vienna, maybe the IMBA, but need to check.
France is going down, steadily. A few research positions are open each year, but the salaries are appalling, funding is difficult, and governmental support for research is crumbling. Also you need to be somehow connected to a lab in France to have the necessary support. However, there are a few good places to do research in France, so if you are desperate
Science in Spain, Italy, Portugal is on a highway to hell.

If you would still consider other countries, I can suggest Australia (still good funding available) and maybe New Zealand (low salaries but also low cost of living). If you are more adventurous: South Korea. If you don't mind heat: Middle East. Qatar is still building up new institutes with huge amounts of investments. And there is KAUST in Saudi Arabia.

You could also consider South Africa (Cape Town, I'D say.).

good luck!

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