It's said that if monkeys hack long enough on a typewriter, than they will inexorably end up writing something that makes sense.
Let's see if this is also true for scientists...

Monday 15 April 2013

Easy recipe to cut cancer risk in half.

In case you're worried about cancer:
We have cancerous cells in us permanently. However our body is actually very good in eliminating them, before they can create cancer. So what we need to do is to minimise the amount of cancer created and maximise our body's own defence. For this:
- Eat healthily (a diet low on salt, fat, sugar, milk, gluten, meat--especially red meat, alcohol, but high on greens, fruits etc).
- Avoid unnecessary exposure to cancerogenic substances (smoking)
- Some exercise (a bit of cardio, take stairs, cycle, etc..)
- Avoid chronic stress (yoga, vacation, breathing exercise, meditation, sport, regular sleep, etc -- however a concise and time-limited short-term stress is actually a good thing).
- Cultivate social support (family, friends, colleagues...)
The important part here is the synergy between these points. It's better to do a bit of all of the above, rather than, say, eating perfectly healthily but do no exercise at all.

Of course, this is all not surprising. What I find surprising, however, is that by following this easy recipe 50% of human cancers can be prevented--and this is much more efficacious than any drug on the market. Indeed, many drugs only allow a short life span extension, and come with a huge cost and side effects. Of course, in doing the above, you'll also substantially cut the risk of heart diseases, and even allergies.

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