It's said that if monkeys hack long enough on a typewriter, than they will inexorably end up writing something that makes sense.
Let's see if this is also true for scientists...

Wednesday 14 October 2009

The Darwin-year God of Creation and Evolution

Dear Mr. Harun Yahya

A friend recently gave me your Atlas of Creation (Vol I), thinking I might find it inspiring.
This is indeed the case.
I am sure God will be pleased that you devote so much energy to prove his existence through making and distributing this wonderfully crafted book.
And it does indeed very convincingly prove God.
When looking through these pages, one can but feel that it is simply DIVINE, that all these fascinating and diverse creatures have, in fact, evolved from one single cell!
Because if God exists, then He/She is not only limited to 'Creation'. Man can create cars, and they will always be cars; Man can create houses that will always be houses. Man can even create new races of animals or plants. But Man can not create a single cell that evolves into a whole biosphere of a whole planet. We are limited, but God is everything, or God is not. Thus if God is Creation, He/She is also Evolution
Thank you for pointing this out to so many of us with your Atlas!

PS: In case you want to make an additional volume of this exciting series, please consider making an Atlas of Embryonic Development. It is fascinating how the embryos of all animals reproduce, in their mothers womb, the hundreds of million years of evolution of their species. From a single cell to their present state, including, for us, stages with webbing or a tail. And this is so much better documented than the sparse fossil record, and happens million times every day around us! The fact that the simple existence of you, me, everyone on this planet proves that God is Creation and Evolution, is certainly worth an Atlas.

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