It's said that if monkeys hack long enough on a typewriter, than they will inexorably end up writing something that makes sense.
Let's see if this is also true for scientists...

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Images of God #2

There is this wise and spiritual man, who has several followers. He spreads a message of peace and tolerance. He gets killed by another man, with a hatchet. The disciples of the killed decide to use an image of a hatched as symbol for the wise man and his message. How much will this choice of symbol affect the way future generations of disciples will spread, interpret and adapt the teachings - and interact with ‘non-believers’, especially those of the same group as the killer?

Who chose the cross? Why not a heart? How would our history have changed had early Christians chosen a different image? How would the focus and evolution of Christianity have changed?

Friday, 23 August 2013

Recycling the religious police

In Saudi Arabia and a few other places, members of the mutaween (religious police) circulate to enforce proper attire and behaviour among the population. However, it seems to me that their actions are mostly insignificant. People choose their dress code according to their own, their family's or the country's standards, and not because of the mutaween. In fact, if criticised for not covering their hair in public, a woman will simply put on the veil just for a few steps, until she passed the mutaween, and then take it off immediately.
So the actions of the mutaween appear to be mostly a waste of energy and time.
Yet, at the same time, plastic waste is accumulating all over Saudi Arabia. It's a threat to the environment, and disfigures the country.
My wife had therefore a great idea: she suggests to transform the religious police into an environmental police. This new cohort of mutaween should simply encourage citizens not to litter, and make sure that the population adopts good practices with respect to the environment. A pure spirit in a pure country - recycling the religious police!

Friday, 16 August 2013

Images of God #1

There is this wise and spiritual man, who has several followers. He spreads a message of peace and tolerance. He gets killed by another man, with a hatchet. The disciples of the killed decide to use an image of a hatched as symbol for the wise man and his message. How much will this choice of symbol affect the way future generations of disciples will spread, interpret and adapt the teachings, and interact with ‘non-believers’?

Who chose the cross? Why not a heart? How would our history have changed had early Christians chosen a different image? How would the focus and evolution of Christianity have changed?

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Talking about Temptation

It is interesting how different cultures deal with temptation - such as sex or non-recommended food or drinks. In places like Saudi Arabia or other conservative Muslim strongholds, temptation is dealt with by removing the tempting object as much as possible. For example women are covered from head to toe, including the face, not allowed in certain places or separated from men, and contacts between unmarried men and women are highly restricted (in public). Pork, alcohol and places of cults for other religions are not allowed. During Ramadan, restaurants, cafes and other shops are closed at day time, and eating and drinking in public is not allowed during the fasting hours.
In capitalistic countries, temptation is exalted to sell any type of product. Temptation is highly perfected, with top level science and technology allowing to maximise temptation for each individual. Also for persons, to be a temptation to others is considered positive, as long as within certain limits. Hence in these countries, omnipresent and targeted temptation has to be faced with ones own financial and personal limits.
In which system are people globally happier, and less frustrated? Should we eradicate temptation, use it to sell products, or is there another way?

You know you are living the American Dream...

...when the end of your weekend feels like your weak end.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Are we wasting our time and money?

In most social species, the perception that one animal has about the other is simply linked to clear physical traits (size, age, body features) and character (aggressive, fearful, etc). Homo sapiens however spends an awful amount of time, effort and money to manipulate the perception that others have of him or her. This includes altering physical traits by putting colour on face and hair, covering the body with particular types of cloth, lifting weights and taking all sorts of chemicals, some of which by mouth, skin, or through injections; using fake hair, nails or eye lashes, implanting silicon, or purchasing special items. Also included are time-consuming efforts for addressing one or several other Homo sapiens in a particular manner, by speech or writing. However, just as much as Homo sapiens has become expert in manipulating physical and character traits, Homo sapiens has become expert in detecting these manipulations. Homo sapiens therefore needs to spend more and more time in manipulative actions to have at least a slim chance for a short-term illusion.

As an alternative to this escalation: Should we just all accept who we are and stop wasting our time and money?