It's said that if monkeys hack long enough on a typewriter, than they will inexorably end up writing something that makes sense.
Let's see if this is also true for scientists...

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

More Memory anyone?

From last week's Nature;
We can create mice with enhanced memory. These animals are very anxious and have a higher chance of getting cancer.
Forgetting seems as necessary as forgiving for a happy live.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Civilised religion

I wonder: is religion just the attempt to reattain a thoughtless state we had before using our brain so much that we had to create civilisation?

Worry out of Eden

I wonder: was the garden eden just a time when humans didn't think (and hence worry) so much? Sometime before the first settlements, during the happy hunter and gatherer period, say before 50,000 BCE?

Laws of happiness

I wonder: what would be the minimum number of laws that, if strictly observed, would lead to violence-free happiness and justice?
10,000? more? or just one, such as 'do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself?'

Friday, 13 November 2009

The Inexorable Sophistication of Technology

The rational of technology is to make a solution to a problem increasingly sophisticated until it doesn't work any more. Then you have a new problem, much more sophisticated than the first one, for which one finds ever increasingly sophisticated solutions, until ...

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Sex in Monte Carlo

Is sex in evolution what Monte Carlo is in simulated annealing?